Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Post

Well, after months of lurking on everyone else's blogspot I have finally decided to join the blogging world with a spot of my very own. I have to admit the whole blogging world has made me laugh, cry, and procrastinate doing my work a whole lot! I had never even heard of blogging until a a friend introduced me to another friend's blogspot several months ago. I entered the unknown territory somewhat aprehensive, but soon found myself addicted to the whole blogging world. I have become obsessed with finding out what is going on with my favorite bloggers...not much different from the days of the housewife that watched their daily soap operas. Instead of Days of Our Lives or All My Children we are reading about fellow moms, real people, just like us. There are some funny people on the blogging world . I will not be one of those.

I mainly wanted to start this to help keep family posted with the ins and outs of our little family of 5 and to also chronicle my kids as they grow up. You find yourself thinking that you want to make mental notes of moments, funny sayings, photographs, so that you won't ever forget them. You know how that forget them. After all you have 7 loads of laundry to do, cheetos to dig out from under the cushions of your sofa, diapers to change, bottles to give......I think you get my drift. Somehow, no matter how much we want to remember those times, we do forget them. I thought this might be a good way to remember them. I can post from time to time on my kids, my family so that not only I have a place to refer back to but my kids will also as they get older.

For those that have found their way to this post, please know that I won't post daily, but I will post when I have the time, or quite frankly when I find the energy to think on a higher level than I use to watch Barney, Dora the Explorer, or Hannah Montana and inbetween the 7 loads of laundry, cheetos in the sofa........(By the way, I just spent $72 for 4 tickets to see the Hannah Montana movie....I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday! )

I hope that all who do find there way here enjoy watching the daily insanity of my life with 3 kids and a husband and all the joy that comes along with it.

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