Friday, February 8, 2008

100 Gifts

If you have never had the pleasure of reading any of the posts written by the ever talented Ann over at Holy Experience Blogspot, then you have truly missed out. What a gifted writer she is and wonderful Christian. Her posts never cease to amaze me and always make me think. She has a Thousand Gifts post that I think is a wonderful idea. It is an ongoing post about the gifts that she has. Not things she wishes she did have, rather gifts she notices on a daily basis that she already does have.

I would like to start a gift list of my own. Now, I'm worried that it might take me years to get to a thousand (not that I don't have them). I'm making my list one hundred. I will randomly post these 100 gifts from time to time. I hope that this challenges me to focus less on what I don't have and more on what I do. It's all a matter of perspective and I would like to try to change mine to an overall more positive one. There are so many things we have everyday that are gifts to be thankful for. Here are a few of mine:

1. Marrying my sweetheart: a protective and loving man who still
takes my breath away
2. Curly brown ringlets
3. Chocolate sprinkles on little noses
4. Knock, Knock jokes told by young ones that don't make sense
but make you laugh anyway.
5. Imaginations of my children when playing with dolls.
6. Shared smiles and laughter.
7. The tickling of Butterfly Kisses
8. Lint in tiny little toes
9. The sound of my son drinking his bottle and the smell
of his little head
10. A bed, a home, a family

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