Monday, August 3, 2009


Today I will choke back my tears all day. Today I will miss my chance to sit and hug on you whenever I feel like it. Today I will miss fixing your lunch. Today I will miss hearing you and your little brother play. Today I will miss being asked 1.000 totally random questions. Today I will miss the frequent interruptions while I work. Today I will miss my sweet, black-haired angel. Today is your first day of kindergarten.

I left you so excited at school this morning ready to take on the world, make new friends, and learn so much. You have become so very independent lately and have seem to have grown a foot over the summer alone! I am so happy that you are so excited about going to kindergarten, even though I will miss you being here with me all day.

Today you will be missed, but I am excited about your new adventure sweet K!


Kristie said...

She is just precious! Can't believe K and W are in kindergarten!! Seems like they were just babies!!

Anonymous said...

I will be in the same place on the 17th!! I keep asking how in the world do I have a 4th grader and a kindergartener!?
Lauren S.