Monday, July 21, 2008

A Visit To the High Country

Yes, I'm still here. I have been so busy since my last post with work, normal summer activities (like eating, sleeping, swimming..), baby showers to host, a visit by 4 of my nieces (2 of which are teenagers) for a two week stay, and a quick visit to North Carolina. Whew! I'm exhausted.

This past weekend my mom, my children and I went for a quick visit to Boone, NC to return my nieces and to see my oldest niece in PETER PAN at a local theater there. She had a lead role, as "Wendy", and as expected, she did a fabulous job! She is a very talented young girl and I knew this before, but after seeing the play, I was so impressed. It says a lot when an aunt and cousins can sit in the theater, see your niece on stage and believe her character as "Wendy" not as a family member. She has a beautiful singing voice and a real knack for acting. Who knows, maybe we will see her on Broadway one day.

Now, back at home, things have settled down a lot. I do miss my nieces terribly, as they were a huge help with the kids and even some household chores! The next 2 weeks we are going to try to soak in every last ounce of summer vacation. I have to admit, I am very sad about school starting back. I love the relaxed schedule of summer, being able to spend time with my kids and not feeling the stress of deadlines, homework and tardy bells. It's nice to wake up in the mornings and not feel like you are barking orders and hurrying to get someone dressed, fed and out the door, and then furthermore, feeling bad after they have left because you had done all that.

So, me and my girls are going to really lavish in the life of luxury by staying in our pj's until noon if we wish, then perhaps going to the pool for the afternoon, and maybe one day make a trip to get a pedicure to be sure our toes look good for the first day of school. Thank goodness J is so little right now that he doesn't mind tagging along during all this girly stuff. But, afterall, this year both girls will be in school so J and I will have plenty of time to "vroom, vroom" little cars, read about John Deere tractors, and get into everything we possibly can.

Please help me to slow down the pace, enjoy this time left with my girls this summer, and to help prepare and equip them (and myself, more importantly), not only physically, but emotionally as well, for the upcoming school year

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