Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Knees Still Shake

Over 18 years ago, I was set up on a blind date with a young and handsome boy. He had jet black hair, green eyes and long eyelashes, 6 foot 3 inches tall....nothing not to like. Oh, such a pretty boy! We attended the Taco Bell on our first date, not exactly the most desirable eating establishment, but I didn't care because I couldn't keep from thinking how cute this boy was. Well, this very cute boy kissed me on our first date (sorry mom) and I just remember my knees were shaking.

About two years later we both went to college together at GSU and the next few years would be very troubling for the both of us. He broke my heart on several occasions throughout the years in college, but we always seemed to find our way back together. I distinctly remember, on many nights, calling my mother from my apartment and requesting her prayers for me and T. She would tell me, "Well, I will pray for you and that the best thing would happen...and the right boy to come along." And my answer always was, "Well, mom...please specifically pray that it IS T and that -THAT is the best thing for me ."...I just wanted it to be him.....SO VERY BADLY. I couldn't see it any other way.

He eventually broke my heart and I ended up dropping my spring quarter classes, packed up all my belongings and drove home. I was devastated.

About 2 months later, that cute boy with those pretty eyes, came running back to me. The love of my life....We dated for a few months after that, when finally, he proposed to me on top of a well known landmark, in the town that we live in. I couldn't have been more happy.

Less than a year later, we wed on July 12th, 1997. It was a great day, one that I will never forget. (Especially the fact that it was 100 degrees and I was in a wedding dress!) He was the most handsome man/groom I have ever seen. Man, those eyes! He definitely lived up to all of my dreams that I had growing up as a young girl. I could have never dreamt it to be any better.

Eleven years later, it is even better. I love my man with all my heart, think he is the most handsome guy there is, love the "Daddy" that he is and the friend he is to me.

Thank you T for choosing me...loving me....taking care of me...making me your wife...making me a mommy...making my knees still shake.

We have been through a lot.... A lot that makes me love you even more. You are my most prized possession. Without YOU, nothing makes sense to me. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I CAN EVER SAY....FOREVER.
Happy Anniversary.

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