Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mustang Memories

May 19, 1990. What wasn't to like?: tall, dark hair, slender build, beautiful eyes, a great smile, and a cool car. Nineteen years ago today I met my husband, set up on a blind date by some friends of ours. We were two kids meeting for the first time, not knowing where God would take us. This journey and life with T has been wonderful, but not always blissful. We have had our share of heart-aches, head-aches, sorrows and fights, but we have had so much more of laughter, love, joy, and excitement. It's amazing to think that God knew on that very first night that we would be embarking on a road together that would take us this far, and that he even had 3 little people in mind that we were to bring into this world together.

I am so happy that God had plans for us and a future together. We are much different people than we were back then, but the memories aren't far away....2 teenagers with the top down, wind in the hair, good music, on a country road with a whole lot of time on our hands. Those were good times then and great memories, but life is even sweeter now. I love you T!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Precious post! Hope ya'll are enjoying the beach!